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Updated: Sep 14, 2022

Subject: Electives

Mentor : Liubov T. Bauer

The elective aimed at understanding networking through a dataset and exploring the data analysis for urbanism, creating a data science project.

To begin the process of our projects we asked a research question responding to the city. Further to crisp it down we navigated through various softwares like Kepler ,open street maps, google colab ,data hubs. and secondary data sources to create a dataset.

From the dataset we learnt and understood how to create different types of networks and how to analyze them for deeper understanding of the data acquired.

All in all it was really stupendous to look at analysis through a lens of networking and getting a broader understanding of how to read various aspects of networks like centrality, betweenness, density and degrees of connection, which helped to unearth better Spatial nuances in architecture and urbanism.

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